
Register for your personal FREE Showing of:
“​​Herbal Formulas For Your Digestive Health

​Discover ​Sajah's Recommended Herbs And Holistic Formulas For ​Restoring Your Digestive Health​

Register To Watch Your 72 Hour FREE Showing Now!

Register Now To ​Get Access To The ​​Presentation For 72 Hours​

Join me for a special replay of "​Herbal Formulas For Your Digestive Health” presented by ​​Sajah Popham.

Do you or someone you love suffer from leaky gut, ulcers, indigestion, or other digestive upsets . . . ?

Are you concerned that you may not be getting the most nutrition from your foods because your digestive system is lagging behind . . . ?

Did you know that untended digestive issues are a leading cause of hospitalizations and treatments c​ome with a ​price tag of over $142 billion to patients per year . . . ?

​​​​​Sajah Popham
​Founder, Organic Unity, and the School of Evolutionary Herbalism

From microbiome trauma via overuse of antibiotics, to the ingestion of artificially colored and flavored foods, and even chronic stress - there's a long list of factors that quickly lead to imbalances with your gut health and when left unchecked will eventually lead to chronic, and potentially serious diseases.

By now, most of us are now very aware of the deep connections between digestive health and the health of the entire body.

But what can be done to support your critically-important digestive health when the modern world bombards you with factors that wreak havoc upon your gut? How can you know which herbal allies to turn to when your gut health is in need of support?

This in-depth presentation delves into this all too common root of issues and prepares you with the knowledge you need to assess gut related stresses and know how to select and use herbs to ease digestive upsets and holistically support your gut health.

Claim your 72 Hour Free Showing ​and you’ll gain this knowledge + so much more:

  • ​Why your digestive system is the foundation of your whole body’s health.
  • ​How gut restoration can help you prevent chronic diseases, autoimmune issues, skin conditions, and more – You’ll be amazed by how a healthy gut can increase your energy levels and mental clarity, too!
  • ​12 Herbs that support healthy digestion holistically.
  • ​How to make your own herbal formulas to support healing of leaky gut syndrome, ulcers, and indigestion.
  • ​2 Essential herbs that optimize probiotic therapies, and help heal antibiotic trauma.

​​​​This presentation by Sajah Popham originally aired during the 2018 Fall Home Medicine Summit and we don’t offer many of these presentations for free​ after the Summits are over . . . but, ​for a limited time, I'm making the full ​presentation available to you ​for FREE during your personal 72 hour showing.

Once you register, you will have 72 hours to watch ​it online, and completely free.

​Register ​Here To Watch ​"​​​​Herbal Formulas For Your Digestive Health" For 72 Hours!

​Brought to you by Marjory Wildcraft, Founder of The Grow Network

​My name is Marjory Wildcraft and I am the founder and CEO of The Grow Network.  We are the online home of a global community of people who produce their own food and medicine.  “Home grown food on every table” is our catalyzing statement.  I’ve been featured by National Geographic as an expert in sustainable living, I’ve hosted Mother Earth News’ online Homesteading Summit, and I’ve been honored in Reuters “Food Sustainability Media” awards.  I grow half of my own food and most of my own medicine​.

Marjory Wildcraft Signature

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