
By Invitation Only

PFAS Blood Detox Private Research Group

"Never doubt the power of a group of committed citizens to change the world, for indeed it is the only thing that ever has."

Margret Mead

Why Join The Private Research Group?

The Grow Network has already verified PFAS destruction in garden soils through rigorous testing and applying an all-natural protocol involving minerals and microbes.  

We've hinted at it before; a similar protocol has been formulated for humans.

Marjory's friend, Pat Miletich, a four-time MMA world champion, told her this supplement protocol was vital to his success.

Marjory decided to give it a try and used only one component of the protocol last summer. She was astonished at how much her strength and stamina increased, especially during her Jiu-Jitsu training.

The process is simple.  

Get an initial blood test to determine your current PFAS levels.  

✓ Take the protocol supplements for 3 months.

✓ Re-test your blood. 

Easy Peasy. 

The Grow Network will also arrange a Zoom call with Dr. Wil Spencer, the creator of this formula.

He will be available to answer questions and help you during the process. 

You'll also need to become a member of my Private Wellness Association to join the research group.

What Supplements Will I be Taking?

Fulvic Humic Acid

Mineral King Fulvic Humic Acid contains Microminerals including: Calcium, Carbon Chloride Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium Sodium, Sulfur

+ Essential Trace Minerals including: Chromium, Cobalt Copper Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum,Selnium Zinc.

And 50+ Ultra Trace Mineral Blend.

100+ Probiotic solution

Mineral King 100+ Probiotic Solution contains a proprietary blend of over 100 strains of soil borne probiotics consisting of bacillus, arthrobacer, flavobacterium, pseudomonas, rhodococcus, coryneforms, and cyanobacterium in an amino acid blend. 

Transcendental gi cleanse

The Transcendental GI Cleanse consists mainly Bentonite Clay, which is high in montmorillite, which has benefits for intentional health. This blend is a very low-moisture formula with a full range of ocean trace minerals. It's also blended with archaea, a microorganism native to the human gut. 

How it Works

Incredibly, PFAS and other gunk can be removed from your body!

And we intend to PROVE it!

But, we need your help!

The Private Research group is limited to 30 empowered individuals coming together for a greater purpose.


Test Blood

The test is quick and easy and requires an at-home finger prick test. You simply collect the sample and send it to the lab for testing. 

Each test is $279 and tests your blood for 16 different PFAS potentially contaminating your blood. 

Please click here to order TWO PFAS Blood Testing Kits: https://www.anrdoezrs.net/click-101332677-15334968

Please note: they do not ship outside of the U.S.A., including Puerto Rico, so you must have them forwarded. Let us know if you need assistance, and we'd be happy to help).


Take Supplements

Order a 3-month three-month supply of the supplement protocol protocol. The total bundle cost is $280.

Please read the directions and take the supplements as specified!

Please review each supplement listed above.

Please click here to order your supplements: https://the-grow-network-shop.myshopify.com/cart/49439366217975:1?channel=buy_button


Attend ZOOM Meetings

Attend the first Zoom with Dr. Wil. The first conference call is tentatively scheduled for March 11th at 2 pm EST. 

We will arrange a second call with Dr. Wil approximately two months after the first.


Re-Test Blood

After you've taken the supplement protocol for three months, you'll re-test your blood and submit your final results.


Submit Results

Results of both tests should be sent to Marjory via email at marjory3@proton.me.

All information will be kept strictly confidential. 

The Private Research Group requires a 3-month commitment.

As mentioned, you'll need to get your blood tested at the beginning and the end to quantify your before and after PFAS levels.

You will need to commit to consistently taking the supplements for three months.

The supplement protocol consists of three items: fulvic/humic acid capsules, 100+ probiotic liquid, and bentonite clay capsules. 

These are all-natural and sourced from particular and pristine areas on Earth. 

Dr. Wil will explain to the group how he has uniquely formulated this protocol and why this combination is so powerful for detoxing.

You'll get a 55% discount on the supplements, and we've arranged a lower-cost blood test pricing.