Welcome To Your Free 72 Hour Viewing of the "Holistic Dental Webinar"!
What you will learn:
Our Holistic Dental Masterclass contains all the tools, herbs, and knowledge you need to holistically care for your teeth
(Bundled Into One Convenient Package)
The DIY Toothpowder Kit
Make your own tooth powder. I pre-measured and assembled all the ingredients you need for a 6-month supply. (See the masterclass for why almost all toothpastes are not good for your teeth.)

Creating new habits sometimes means you need new “tools.”
A dental “tool” kit, which includes a tongue scraper, bamboo toothbrush with charcoal-infused bristles, and mirror.
Your liver will love you for doing this tiny 10-second cleaning every morning
(See the masterclass to learn the immense benefits of scraping your tongue clean daily.)
Included in the Dental Kit:

1/2 ounce of the Rare Dental Herb Equisetum hyemale, a.k.a. “Horsetail”
Equisetum hyemale is the herb Dr. Jorgensen and I talk about in the masterclass. It is rich in a highly absorbable form of silica—the essential element for growing tooth enamel, bones, hair, and nails.
Our supply of Equisetum hyemale (a.k.a., “Horsetail”) is carefully harvested from the most pristine natural habitats and hand-wildcrafted by dedicated herbalists with the highest ethics for caring for the Earth.

DIY Calming Oat Top Tincture
Throughout the masterclass, you will hear Dr. Jorgensen talk about the need for making sure you have lots of minerals in your diet.
Milky Oats herb has an astonishing array of nutrients that are essential to keeping your teeth strong. Note: It is especially rich in magnesium, which is very important for all aspects of your health—and one of the minerals that is most lacking in the American diet. (Yes, that means you are probably deficient.)
Check out this nutritional profile for Milky Oats:

Our DIY Calming Oat Tops Tincture Kit comes with almost everything you need to create your very own oat tincture, including:
- ✔ ½ Oz. Biodynamic Oat Tops (Harvested During the "Milky" Stage)
- ✔ Herbal Profile: Oats (Avena Sativa) eBook
- ✔ 1x 4 Oz. Amber Bottle With Glass Dropper
- ✔ Customizable Product Label
Please note that you will still need to purchase your own alcohol, glycerin, and/or vinegar locally as these are not provided as part of the kit.

Instructional Video: How to Make an Herbal Infusion and
Maximize the Nutrition From Your Milky Oats Herbs
This 37:40 video shows you—step-by-step—exactly how to make these deeply nutritional Milky Oats herbal infusions. SPOILER ALERT! Making herbal infusions is as easy as making iced tea!
The video features Susun Weed, a master herbalist who has been drinking and using nourishing infusions for decades. Susun’s down-to-Earth, homespun ease and extensive knowledge will empower you into this wonderful way to take care of your body.
Susun shows you not only how to make infusions, but also what NOT to do, how long they last in the fridge, and how to easily incorporate this routine into your life.

I Wish I Had This Book a Decade Ago!
Healthy Mouth, Healthy YOU! by Dr. Michelle Jorgensen
Dr. Jorgensen's 160-page book is a fantastic accompanying guide to the Holistic Dental Masterclass—simple to read and easy to understand. You will learn that whole body wellness begins in the mouth. Included is new research that shows dental health is the cause or a contributor to 60-80% of all chronic disease. She also teaches you how to never have a cavity again, how to eat for dental and overall health, and how to care for your teeth once a day, the right way. If you have been frustrated with conventional dentistry and the "drill, fill, and bill" method of treatment, this book will be a breath of fresh air for you. In it, Dr. Jorgensen also shares openly about the problems in dentistry today, how they are impacting your health, and what you can do to get out of the mess you are in.

Your Teeth Are Alive!
Check Out Alternatives to Dentists—the Video That Teaches
How Off-grid Native Peoples Take Care of Their Teeth
Doug Simons is an herbalist who has spent many years out in the wilderness and with traditional peoples.
Few of these groups have access to dental professionals.
In this fascinating, full-length digital video, you‘ll learn how the Navajo, Tohono O’odham, and Tarahumara cultures keep their teeth healthy and clean.
Sugar Is Killing Your Teeth . . . But You Are Not Hopeless!
You Can Overcome Sugar Once and For All!
You CAN conquer sugar!
The Grow Network's 28-day sugar detox eCourse, Conquering Sugar, will empower you to finally kick your sugar habit.
This eCourse provides step-by-step instructions, support, and all the information you need to wean yourself off of sugar and begin to truly enjoy healthier foods. While following this program isn’t easy, it will make removing sugar from your diet manageable. You will discover new foods, recipes, and—over the course of the detox—you will develop healthier cravings.
What Does the Conquering Sugar eCourse Include?
Conquering Sugar is an 8-module eCourse that provides a step-by-step plan for overcoming sugar cravings and replacing the sugar in your diet with other yummy foods, all while educating you on how you can both eat healthier AND actually enjoy healthier foods.
Module 1:
Introduction & Inspiration

Module 2:
Understanding Food Today

Module 3:
The Game Rules

Module 4:
Physical Preparation

Module 5:
Emotional Preparation

Module 4:
Physical Preparation

Module 7:
Beyond The Detox

Module 8 Bonus:
Your Biochemistry

4 Q&A Webinar Recordings With Marjory
Listen in on 4 recorded Q&A webinar sessions and get your questions answered!
You'll have access to previously recorded webinars, so you can hear the answers to questions that other Conquering Sugar participants have had.

Recipes And Shopping Lists
4 breakfasts, 4 lunches, and 4 dinners (customizable, so you can master the recipes and simplify grocery shopping). Plus, bonus recipes for snacks, beverages, condiments, healing foods, and even desserts!
Includes a grocery list of “staples” for your countertop, fridge, and freezer. (The list also provides guidance on the “hidden” names of sugar in packaged foods, so you won't get duped again!)
We call these lists "The Game Rules"—outlining exactly which foods and drinks are to be eliminated, and which are allowed—taking the guesswork out of how to conquer sugar.

Support Forum
Chat with other eCourse participants, trade tips, and get support. Tackling a big lifestyle change can feel overwhelming—especially if your friends and family don’t understand (yet). We’ve set up a community area for everyone enrolled to gather, share, ask questions, and support each other in this journey.

What Would You Expect to Pay for the Complete Set of Tools, Herbs,
and Knowledge to Holistically Take Care of Your Teeth?
The cost of a single dental crown is $2,000.
The cost to extract a dead tooth is $500.
A simple routine checkup costs $290.
All the Tools, Herbs, and Knowledge You Need to Holistically Care for Your Teeth
How Much Is Good Dental Health Worth?
Americans spent $165 billion dollars on dental care in 2022 alone. Annual spending on dental care is expected to exceed $230 billion by 2030.
And as you’ve learned from Dr. Jorgensen’s masterclass, so many other health issues are directly related to your dental health, including cancer, diabetes, COPD, and more.
In the U.S. in 2022, the average amount a family of 4 spent on dental care is $1,242. And as you’ve seen, much of the "care" involves toxic chemicals and dangerous procedures.
Do you want to be another statistic?

You Get Everything Here RISK FREE For the Next 60 Days!
With A 100% Money-Back Guarantee
I truly believe everyone needs the tools, herbs, and knowledge provided by the Holistic Dental Bundle . . .
So, not only am I offering the entire kit for a discounted price, but I’m also guaranteeing your satisfaction with a 100% money-back guarantee.

Now It’s Time for You To Decide . . .
Now it’s time to decide:
Will you continue to ignore your dental health, starve your body of the nutrition it truly craves, and choose not to learn about the holistic alternatives that are available?
Or—will you empower yourself?
After all, how much is your body worth . . . ?

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2028 E. Ben White Blvd. #240-4769 Austin, TX 78741
(877)-799-3878 | Happiness@TheGrowNetwork.com