Get Your FREE TICKET to Attend The Grow Network's FIRST ANNUAL Grow Your Own Groceries LIVE SUMMIT!
Your FREE TICKET entitles you to access THE GROW YOUR OWN GROCIERIES SUMMIT! Enjoy LIVE and Pre-recorded Presentations by your favorite Homesteaders!

The 2023 Grow Your Own Groceries Summit Airs on Friday, June 9th at 9:00 a.m. CST to Sunday, June 11th at 11:59 p.m. CST!
Register NOW To Watch The Entire Event!
Watch all expert presentations starting at your own pace...and join the FREE LIVE INTERACTIVE CALLS all weekend long!
9 Presentations From Leading Experts Help You Cultivate Your Life and Home into a Modern Self-Sufficient Grow System
Here’s a quick look at the presentations that will be available for 3 days of free viewing:

Lisa Steele

Jill Winger
Food Preservation

Kami McBride
Kitchen Medicine

Stacey Murphy
Spirit Gardening

Tom Bartels
Small Space Ecosystems

Scott Sexton
Beginner-Proof Foraging

Jason Matyas

Marjory Wildcraft

And, When You Register Today You’ll Receive These FREE GIFTS . . .
YOURS FREE As Our Way Of Saying “Thanks” For Joining Us!

Gift #1:
4-Part Video Series: The Turmeric Sessions with Kami McBride

Gift #2:
The Universal Edibility Test by Scott Sexton

Gift #3:
Favorite Canning Resources by Jill Winger

Gift #4:
The Heritage Cooking Handbook by Jill Winger

Gift #5:
50 Easy and Free Fertilizers by The Grow Network
Enjoy 100% online from the comfort of home!
The Grow Your Own Groceries Summit features 9 Presentations by real people “living it”!
Become empowered with the practical skills you need – No matter what is going on out there!
But you MUST be registered to access this FREE EVENT:
Enter your name and email address, and we’ll send you instructions for attending!
Register To Watch It ALL!
Register & Claim Your Free Ticket
Enter Your Name & Email Below:

Hello, my name is Marjory Wildcraft, founder of The Grow Network.
And in case we’re meeting for the first time, I’d like you to know that we’re the online home of a global network of people who produce their own food and medicine.
We like to think of ourselves as “backyard researchers”; we’re constantly experimenting and sharing our discoveries with one another — testing new paths for sustainable living while reconnecting with the “old ways” that seem to be slipping away too quickly in our modern world.
Our catalyzing statement, the thing that gets us up every morning, is “Homegrown Food On Every Table!”
We value soil, water, sunlight, simplicity, sustainability, usefulness, and freedom. And we strive to be the most useful site on the web for producing, preparing, and preserving your own food and medicine.
We also like to have a bit of fun!
We are open to all religions, diets, and political parties. And we grow food for many reasons including health, spirituality, and preparedness.
Join us, won’t you? And let’s learn how to grow food and medicine, together!

Author of The Grow System book