
Register for your personal FREE Showing of:

Road Kill: Judging The Edibility Of Found Meat”

“The Ultimate Source Of Truly-Sustainable, Delicious Meats"

Register To Watch Your 72 Hour FREE Showing Now!

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Join me for a special replay of “Road Kill: Judging The Edibility Of Found Meat”  by Red Louvish.

This forager-favorite presentation from Red Louvish is back for a limited time!

What's better than stocking your freezer with meats you've raised or hunted yourself . . ?

How about filling your freezer with truly free-range, high-quality meats that you've foraged for FREE!

Red Louvish
Foraging Expert

Meat foraging is a specialty skill, that once learned, will almost always guarantee you have access to healthy, safe, and delicious meats.

Claim your 72 Hour Free Showing and you'll learn:

  • The 3 most important things you MUST look for to judge the freshness and edibility of road-kill meats
  • How to read the weather to tell if found meats will be good
  • Why found meats are likely fresher and more nutritious than what you can buy at the grocery store
  • Pro tips on quick and easy field dressing and meat processing
  • Plus, did you know that eating found meats is illegal in some places? Marjory and Red go into the laws you need to be aware of before you start foraging free meats. 

This presentation originally aired during the 2020 Home Grown Food Summit and we rarely offer these presentations for free after the Summits are over . . . but, the information Red shares can make a real impact for anyone who truly wants to eat sustainably and is curious about this waste-less source of quality protein . . . so, I have made an exception.

I'm making the full interview available for FREE during your personal 72 hour showing!

Once you register, you will have 72 hours to watch it online, and completely free.

Register Here To Watch "Road Kill: Judging The Edibility Of Found Meat" For 72 Hours!

Brought to you by Marjory Wildcraft, Founder of The Grow Network

Marjory Wildcraft is the founder of The Grow Network, which is a community of people focused on modern self-sufficient living. 

She has been featured by National Geographic as an expert in off-grid living, she hosted the Mother Earth News Online Homesteading Summit, and she is listed in Who’s Who in America for having inspired hundreds of thousands of backyard gardens. 

Marjory was the focus of an article that won Reuter’s Food Sustainability Media Award, and she recently authored The Grow System: The Essential Guide to Modern Self-Sufficient Living—From Growing Food to Making Medicine.

Marjory Wildcraft Signature

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 (877)-799-3878 | Happiness@TheGrowNetwork.com