Sugar Is Killing You . . . But You Are Not Hopeless!
You Can Overcome Sugar Once And For All
Dear Friend,
I know I am not the first one to tell you how harmful the overabundance of sugar in our diets can be. Sugar is known to cause all kinds of health problems from diabetes, to heart disease, to arthritis.
And, sugar is the reason so many of us struggle with our weight.
Sugar has turned so many of us into junkies, jonesing for our next sugar fix. Our bodies come to depend on sugar rushes to get through the day, and sugar cravings feel more like all powerful compulsions rather than mere hunger pangs.
I’m not going to sugar coat it, conquering sugar isn’t the easiest thing. But it is worth it. Conquering sugar will . . .
And you CAN conquer sugar, as well as enjoy healthier foods. Let us show you how!
The Grow Network's 28 day sugar detox Certification program, Conquering Sugar, will empower you to finally kick your sugar habit.
This Certification provides step by step instructions, support, and all the information you need to wean yourself off of sugar and begin to truely enjoy healthier foods. While this program isn’t easy, if you follow it, it will make removing sugar from your diet manageable. If you follow it, you will discover new foods, recipes, and over the course of the detox you will develop healthier cravings.
And at the end you will feel the difference. You will feel like a new person and you won't even miss the sugary food you once craved.
So take the time you need, research this program, ask us any questions you might have. Then make a promise to yourself, invest in yourself and your health. You deserve it.
What Is The Conquering Sugar Certification?
It is a 28-day Certification Program for people who want to vastly improve their health by eliminating sugar from their diets.
Sugar is the most damaging, toxic, addictive substance we eat, and removing it from your diet will unleash tremendous improvements in your life.
It will . . .
The Certification Program includes proven resources and support to guide you through the process.
The first week gets you emotionally and physically prepared. The second and third weeks are the complete sugar elimination phase. And the forth week helps you to re-integrate and maintain the gains you’ve accomplished.
Is This Certification Right For Me?
This program is perfect for anyone that has tried and failed to eliminate sugar and carbs in their diets. It is perfect for anyone that is committed to improving their health and their diet.
If you are still not sure, ask yourself the following questions.
If you answer “yes” one or more of these questions, you likely have a problem with sugar and can benefit from this program:
The Conquering Sugar Program includes three levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. At the beginning of the program there is a self assessment quiz for you to determine the level that will bring you the most success.
Are You Vegetarian Or Vegan?
Yes, the program includes materials and guidelines for how to successfully complete the program if you are on a plant based diet.

This Certification Is Not For You If:
The Conquering Sugar program includes three levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. At the beginning of the program there is a self assessment quiz for you to determine the level that will bring you the most success.
Success Stories
What people just like you are saying about Conquering Sugar:
Huge Improvement In Allergies and Hay Fever!
I was debilitated by my allergies and hay fever, so much so that it was interfering with my ability to hold a job. After following this program for 3 weeks, I was astounded to find my chronically blocked sinuses and drippy nose were completely GONE!
Alison - Denver, CO
Arthritis Pain GONE! I've Started Playing The Piano Again!
My arthritis pain had robbed me of the joy in my life. My sisters, aunt and mother all had terrible joint pain, too, so I assumed there was nothing I could do about it. Just a few weeks into cutting sugar from my diet, the inflammation in my hands and wrists started to subside. Within a few months, I was able to start playing the piano again!
Gloria - Waco, TX
I Lost 20 Pounds . . . And My Insomnia Was GONE!
For over a decade, I had suffered with terrible insomnia. I could barely fall asleep, and when I did, it wasn’t long before I was staring at the ceiling again. I had consulted numerous specialists and doctors, trying to uncover the root cause of my sleeplessness, but to no avail. Once I corrected my high-sugar diet, I began sleeping deeply through the night! I was also thrilled to drop a full 20 pounds of weight as a side benefit!
Stephanie - Lansing, MI
Ok, But What About Cravings?
The Conquering Sugar program includes specific proven techniques for how to get through even the most intense sugar cravings, so you can stay on track with your plans.
It also covers detailed professional recommendations for how to manage, and minimize the temporary symptoms related to physical detoxification from sugar.
Oh, and you will learn strategies for how to handle any nay-sayers in your life (family, friends, etc).
What Does The Certification Include?
Certification Course
An 8 module Certification course that provides a step by step plan for overcoming sugar cravings, replacing the sugar in your diet with other yummy foods, and educating you about how you can both eat healthier AND actually enjoy healthier foods.
Module 1:
Introduction & Inspiration

Module 2:
Understanding Food Today

Module 3:
The Game Rules

Module 4:
Physical Preparation

Module 5:
Emotional Preparation

Module 6:
Let's DO THIS!

Module 7:
Beyond The Detox

Module 8 Bonus:
Your Biochemistry

4 Q&A Webinar Recordings + Live AMA Webinars With Marjory
Listen in on 4 recorded Q&A webinar sessions and get your questions answered!
You'll have access to previously recorded webinars, so you can hear the answers to questions that other Conquering Sugar participants have had.
As part of your Conquering Sugar Certification access, you're also invited to join Marjory during the monthly "Ask Me Anything" podcasts. Where she can personally answer your questions about Conquering Sugar, or any other burning questions you may have.

Recipes And Shopping Lists
4 breakfasts, 4 lunches and 4 dinners (customizable, so you can master the recipes and simplify grocery shopping). Plus, bonus recipes for snacks, beverages, condiments, healing foods, and even desserts!
Including a grocery list of “staples” for your countertop, fridge and freezer. The list includes guidance on the “hidden” names of sugar in packaged foods, so you wont get duped again!
We call these lists The Game Rules – outlining exactly which foods and drinks are to be eliminated, and which are allowed – taking the guesswork out of how to conquer sugar.

A Personal Daily Journal
You'll receive access to a private, online journal area. With guided questions that prompt you to take notes and maximize your results.

Support Forum
Chat with other certification members, trade tips, and get support. Tackling a big lifestyle change can feel overwhelming – especially if your friends and family don’t understand (yet). We’ve setup a community area for everyone enrolled to gather, share, ask questions, and support each other in this journey.

Certification And Recognition
Watch all the video modules, complete the quizzes, listen to the webinars, do the program and you’ll earn a Certificate and be awarded the Conquering Sugar Honor Badge.

Plus, there are 7 BONUSES that come with your Conquering Sugar Certification!
(A $200 Value - Yours Free)
When you eliminate sugar from your diet, many of the lifetime conditions that you’ve suffered with, even issues you label as “disease” and “poor health”, can simply disappear.
In as little as a few weeks.
That’s why with your enrollment in the Conquering Sugar certification program today, we’ll be providing you with a series of priceless bonus reports, giving you further support, inspiration, and information about how eliminating sugar from your diet and be a critically important step in combating some of the most prevalent and life-threatening life conditions.
7 Bonus Reports
Bonus Report #1 – Weight Loss The Sugar Secret
Bonus Report #2 – The Unknown Cause of Heart Disease
Bonus Report #3 – Quitting Sugar To Prevent Cancer
Bonus Report #4 – Cool Arthritis and Inflammation By Cutting Sugar
Bonus Report #5 – Ditching Sugar To Avoid Diabetes
Bonus Report #6 – Kicking Sugar To Lift Depression
Bonus Report #7 – How To Control Hunger The Delicious Way!
How Do I get Started?
Well here is the good news!
The complete Conquering Sugar Certification Program is just one of many certifications included with your Grow Network Academy membership. And we're adding more every quarter!
Certifications that make you really valuable.
The Academy offers you step-by-step eCourses through the process of gardening, chickens, rabbits, greenhouses, making home medicines, growing medical marijuana, foraging and wildcrafting, goats, mushrooms, and a ton more.
I add a new certification every quarter.
The Grow Network is an online community of over 450,000 homesteaders, hippies, and preppers who have been living this lifestyle for decades.
You’ll get access to our huge online forum where we are online 24/7 answering questions, swapping jokes, bartering and trading, and having a ton of fun. When you get stuck . . . don’t worry, we are here. We’ve been through this before, and know all the pitfalls.
There's More? Yes!
These are detailed, step-by-step e-courses. When you successfully complete a certification you will be awarded an Honor Badge in your profile, you’ll get points for your achievement, and you’ll get to print out a certificate to let the world know what you’ve accomplished.
Just by looking at your profile, everyone will instantly know how amazing you are.
Plus, on a monthly basis we post up the names of everyone who has completed a certification and the entire Grow Network community celebrates you. You deserve it!
Here are all the empowering eCourses that are currently available in the Academy:
Backyard Chickens For Egg Production:
Never have to skip breakfast. Plus, have an endless supply of gifts or trade items (everyone can use a dozen fresh eggs).

Bio-Intensive Gardening:
Produce vegetables, fruits, and grains with the easiest and most efficient garden system that does not depend on you going to the store to buy stuff.

Raising Backyard Meat Rabbits:
Hey, they breed like . . . rabbits. Have an endless supply of clean, healthy, organic meat that is more reliable than hunting, fishing, or grocery stores.

Home Medicine 101:
How to treat the 12 most common ailments with simple homemade medicines.

Cultivating Cannabis:
Designed for novice cannabis gardeners and even the most experienced. Discover the history of cannabis, and its uses as food, fiber, fuel, and medicine, plus everything you need so you too can grow medicinal-quality cannabis.

Wildcrafting & Foraging:
Gain the skills necessary to get started in wildcrafting and foraging. Scott Sexton, provides an abundance of knowledge on everything from essential tools, language, and safety, to how to find and identify the most useful plants growing all around you.

Making Herbal Medicine:
Learn to make the 8 medicines all home medicine makers know how to prepare (from poultices to pills to tinctures).

Herbal Energetics:
Cooling? Warming? Adaptogenic? This in-depth course covers common herbal energetic language, and what it all really means. You'll learn to combine the wisdom of energetics with your sense of taste so you too can create effective, herbal formulations.

Growing Edible Mushrooms:
From identifying mushrooms to fruiting, harvesting, and storage. You'll gain all the skills necessary to grow mushrooms (in your yard, under the house, in a shed, or out on the back forty).

Raising Backyard Meat Ducks:
An in-depth walkthrough of everything that you need to know from choosing the breed, picking the proper location, building enclosures, and harvesting.

Instant Master Gardener:
The secret to a green thumb, homemade fertilizers for free, your huge advantages over commercial growers, how to prepare a garden bed without weeding, and how to transplant with confidence.

Conquering Sugar:
Do you have (or worry about) cancer, diabetes, or heart disease? Deal with the fundamental issue and conquer your sugar addiction. Learn how to handle cravings, how to replace the sugar in your diet with other yummy foods, and how you can actually enjoy healthier foods.

Saving Quality Seeds:
The ultimate skill for self-reliance. You can even create your own variety of tomatoes and name it after your favorite grandchild.

Nutrient-Dense Soil:
Gain an understanding of the importance of nutrient dense soil to developing strong, nutritious food yields. Your instructor, Tom, will walk you through everything he knows about to turn your soil (any soil) into a thriving, garden-supporting powerhouse!

Raising Goats:
Prepare yourself with the skills necessary to raise your own backyard goat flock! And ensure that your goats are raised properly. You will find the entire process detailed - providing you with an abundance of knowledge and skills for your own journey in keeping goats.

Greenhouse Construction:
Save $1000's by building your own greenhouse! This eCourse takes you through the steps and gives you the info you need to know so you can decide on what greenhouse will best suit your needs; the various types and sizes of greenhouses, foundations, plus heating and cooling considerations.

Exploring Botany:
Develop an understanding like never before of the world of plants. Become confident identifying the main plant families and common plants you'll find in your neighborhood. Plus, a guide to basic plant anatomy, and a deep view into how we can work with Nature's systems for our benefit with natural remedies and food abundance.

Plus, Our New Weekend Projects:
The "Weekend Projects" are just that; quick courses designed to take just 1 weekend to learn and complete. These may be short, but they are sure to empower you to take on your own weekend warrior journey towards building your successful homestead.

Build An Off-Grid Watering System

Learn The "Original" Canning Technique

Learn To Can Almost Anything

Begin Building Your Essential Oil Toolkit For Your Homestead

The Essential Tool For Gut Health, Immunity, And Inflammation

Feed Your Garden With The Best, Sustainable Fertilizer
NOTE: All the course materials are downloadable to your home computer for safe keeping. This includes videos, video transcripts, and other resources such as worksheets or recipes as applicable.
Never Stop Growing With New Certifications Added Every Quarter
These are the certifications we have in the pipeline and will be rolling out in 2020 and 2021:
What Is The Difference Between The Free Level Of Membership And The Academy?

What else will be delivered to me when I become an Academy member?
On the 1st Wednesday of each month you'll receive a special "Did You See This?" email from us; We send links to resources available to Academy members only (new Courses, Resources, eBooks, etc.) You’ll know it is from the Grow Network’s Academy as the subject line will read “[Lab] Your name, . . . ”
Here is what mine looks like:

3 Things The Academy Is NOT
We are focused on real solutions and we avoid some topics as they are better served by other organizations.
We are:
Non-Political (actually, most of us think politics is a completely rigged game and at best it’s a form of distracting entertainment. We have folks from every political stripe and we all agree not to waste much time with arguing over that. We do love to laugh at politicians from time to time though 😊 ).
Non-Dietary (vegan, paleo, south beach, fruitarians, Adkins, Weston-Price, OMAD. . . everyone is welcome here.)
Non-Denominational (almost all of us have a deep spiritual connection, we are open to all, and we come from almost every religion possible Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Pagan, Muslim, Atheists and everything in between.)
How Long Will Your Body Hold Out While You Poison It With Sugar?
This is YOUR opportunity to stop destroying you body, learn how to heal yourself with home medicine, and grow the deeply nutritious food your body is craving.
To join the Academy, Conquer Sugar, be involved in this powerful movement, and become the most valuable (and healthy) member of your community, is a minuscule investment.
NO, it won’t cost you the $1,300+ for all the certifications (including Conquering Sugar) . . .
NO, it won’t cost you $900 for all the ebooks, videos, and downloads in the Library . . .
YES! For as little as $100 per month you will have instant access to the Conquering Sugar Certification and everything the Academy has to offer!
When You Enroll Now . . .
You’ll Absolutely Love It Or You Don’t Pay!

The purpose of the Grow Network is to stop the destruction of the Earth via Home Grown Food On Every Table. We strive to make the high-level training in our Academy accessible to everyone.
Each of our courses is individually valued at $100 or more, but we understand that not everyone has the funds to pay our full tuition price. We offer a limited Scholarship program for those who need, please click here if you would like to apply.
And Very Special Bonus For New Members
When you choose to join the Grow Network's Academy, it's a huge step toward your dedication to becoming an indispensable member of our community, and your local community too.
As a new Academy Member, we would love to reach out to you directly with a personal Welcome call.
As soon as you enroll, you'll have the option to schedule your Welcome call with one of our community members. We can't wait to welcome you personally to the Academy and help you get the most out of your membership.

3% of profits from all Grow Network products are donated to the “Earth Recovery Foundation” which is a non-profit organization that provides grants to backyard researchers working on issues critical to individual and family-scale sustainability.
Comes With A 100% Money Back Guarantee
Remember, there’s no risk joining the Academy and getting started on your Conquering Sugar Certification today.
Because it comes with a 100% money back guarantee.
Cancel any time within the first 60 days to receive a full refund of money paid, no questions asked.

There Are A Lot Of Issues We Are Facing Today With Our Food
A toxic food supply full of GMO's, hidden sugars, and chemicals, and the egregious abuse of animals and land by commercial agriculture . . .
The problems are overwhelming . . . especially if you’re feeling stuck in your habits or isolated.
Yet you don’t need to travel this road alone.
The Academy's community can be YOUR safe space to learn to Conquer Sugar once and for all. Where you can share your learning and journey with passionate, like-minded folks . . .
. . . With the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re getting an abundance of advice and support from people you can trust.
And I promise . . .
You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish and how fast you'll feel better and see real, measurable results from eliminating sugar from your diet.
So I encourage you, join the Academy today. Become a member of our inspiring community and take the first steps to Conquering Sugar.
And remember, there’s no risk because you’re protected by our generous 100% money back guarantee.

The purpose of the Grow Network is to stop the destruction of the Earth via Home Grown Food On Every Table. We strive to make the high-level training in our Academy accessible to everyone.
Each of our courses is individually valued at $100 or more, but we understand that not everyone has the funds to pay our full tuition price. We offer a limited Scholarship program for those who need, please click here if you would like to apply.

3% of profits from all Grow Network products are donated to the “Earth Recovery Foundation” which is a non-profit organization that provides grants to backyard researchers working on issues critical to individual and family-scale sustainability.
Comes With A 100% Money Back Guarantee
Remember, there’s no risk joining the Academy today.
The Conquering Sugar Certification Program and the entire Academy Membership comes with a 100% money back guarantee.
Cancel any time within the first 60 days to receive a full refund of money paid, no questions asked.
I look forward to meeting you inside the Academy!
Warmest Regards,
Marjory Wildcraft
Marjory Wildcraft is the founder of the Grow Network, which is the online home of a global community of people who are producing their own food and medicine. The purpose of the Grow Network is to stop the destruction of the Earth. "Homegrown food on every table" is a solution.
Marjory has been featured as an expert on sustainable living by National Geographic, she has hosted Mother Earth New’s “Online Homesteading Summit”, is a returning guest on many national radio and tv programs such as Coast to Coast AM.
She is also the author of several books, but is best known for her "Grow Your Own Groceries" video series, which is used by more than 500,000 homesteaders, survivalists, universities, and missionary organizations around the world.
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2028 E. Ben White Blvd. #240-4769 Austin, TX 78741
(877)-799-3878 |